TAMPA, FL, USA, September 22, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ -- The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation (CCF) and Clarified Precision MedicineTM have partnered to offer neuroendocrine tumor (NET) patients the opportunity to receive an expert review of their tumor sequencing results from any commercially available test, e.g., FoundationOne CDx, Guardant 360, Caris MI Profile. Each patient is eligible to receive, at no cost to them, a ClarifiedSelectTM analysis, for which nationally recognized precision oncology experts provide a ranked list of FDA-approved treatments, off-label therapies, and clinical trials based on their specific tumor DNA. Every ClarifiedSelectTM report is reviewed by members of Clarified Precision Medicine’s Clinical Network to provide a clear, concise, medically-relevant summary of treatment options for patients and their physicians.
“Precision medicine has shown great potential to extend survival and improve patients’ quality of life,” explains Jody Simon, CEO of Clarified Precision MedicineTM. “Patients living with rare cancers, such as NETs, are often not prioritized and may benefit from targeted therapies. In the case of Clarified, our experts can quickly and effectively determine appropriate treatment options based on clinical experience applying tumor sequencing reports to thousands of patients over the course of their careers.” Precision oncology is an increasingly important field of medicine which provides information that helps physicians select the best treatments for their patients utilizing genetic or molecular profiling of tumors to identify targetable alterations.
FOR PATIENTS How the process works: NET patients submit a recently performed (within the past 2 years) tumor sequencing test from any clinical laboratory and Clarified Precision Medicine’s team of internationally-recognized experts in precision oncology will create a ClarifiedSelectTM report just for you.
What will you as a NET patient receive? You and your doctor(s) will get a ClarifiedSelectTM report that provides a ranked list of the best treatment options specifically for you based on the genetics of your tumor.
For more information about the ClarifiedSelectTM report, click here, clarifiedprecisionmedicine.com/clarifiedselect.
To receive your ClarifiedSelectTM report, visit this page and complete the easy to use request form, clarifiedprecisionmedicine.com/CarcinoidCancerFoundation.
If you have any questions, please contact Clarified Precision Medicine at clarifiedprecisionmedicine.com/contact.
Jody Simon Clarified Precision Medicine, LLC +1 813-477-2700
